Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A tale of two jobs

This one will also be quick - this whole writing at 1 am thing has to stop. Today I was an hour and forty-five minutes late to Teavana because it took much longer than I expected to fix people's computers. Not to mention I'm pretty sure I screwed up both of them, and they're gonna have to have somebody sent out again. Not to mention my phone died, so I didn't get to close these calls, and I'm not sure what's going to happen. Not to mention I didn't even do one of the calls I was assigned.

This is going to be very little free time, and a whole lot of working. Hopefully I'll get it down so I'll have an hour or two in the afternoon to eat dinner. But that's not going to happen for a while, I think. In the mean time, I'm exhausted and lonely, and I'm too busy to hang out with my friends. I'm too poor, really. I wish I had the ability to move around days off. Especially weekend afternoons. Maybe I can do some schedule switching.

At least now that I'm working so hard I'm not moping so damn much. It's keeping me busy. I'm less introspective and analytical, and more just trying to live my life. Get through it, really. Only three more months!

As an aside, I've been missing Shayne alot the past few days. I really wish I could hold her, have her hold me. And for a while there it looked like I was past Shayne and was just wanting anybody's love, but not anymore. I specifically miss Shayne, and her touch, her caring, her loving. I know I can't have it, but Oh do I ache for it. I'm not as depressed (though I most certainly still am), but I sure am stressed, and she always calmed me down. God I miss her.

And PPS: Why is it that everything that could have gone wrong this year has? I nearly had a moment of belief earlier this month, and God decides to just shit on me. What the fuck did I ever do to you, huh?

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