Thursday, December 13, 2007

So here goes...

As those who know me have already heard I'm sure, I'm going on a round-the-world trip (can I just express how awesome that phrase makes me feel?) sometime in March. My plan to communicate with the outside world has been a blog all along -- I can communicate with everyone all at once, without having to deal with the complexities of buying a SIM card in each country. Plus, I can call myself a blogger, which is always sweet.

I was going to wait to create this, but my psychiatrist suggested I keep a diary as a therapeutic device. I kinda like the idea. Instead of bitching to all of you about how much I feel like my life sucks, I can just vent on this blog. Maybe some of you will even read it!

I like the name Lost Jolly - it'll apply well when I leave, and it also works well now; I feel lost, and I've lost my jolliness. It's got triple meaning!

So here goes. I spend all my time in session just talking talking talking anyways, maybe I can talk here and get it all out. Vent about all my insecurities in a format where I don't feel guilty at all. Maybe I can get at the truth that way. I don't know.

I feel better already.

PS - I just saw an ad for a syndicated online series from the guys who made that George Washington Youtube video. This makes me really happy.

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