Saturday, December 22, 2007

Overworked pt. 2

I promised I'd write every night, so here I am, but I have to get up real soon. I got home at midnight, and I have to be back at 7 AM, so I'm getting up at six. Man I have alot to say about Teavana... suffice it to say morale is very low, except for me, oddly enough. I still like the job, though the fact that everyone bitches about it and is quitting is bringing me down. Everybody makes excuses about why we aren't meeting our goals. It gets frustrating and old.

I want to write more, but I know I should sleep. I'm sorry, readers (if you're out there). I feel bad. Maybe I'll write lots tomorrow. I want to get back to more substantive posts. I really want to write about Shayne, for example, or what the Trip means to me. But I just don't have the time!

So in short: How am I doing? I'm tired, but ok. I'm still down alot, and I still think about Shayne way too much, but it's no longer overwhelming. I'm going to try to find time to see a psychiatrist, in addition to my psychologist. I wish you'd be with me, Shayne! I could use someone next to me right now. Ah well. Damn.

Night everybody.

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