Sunday, December 30, 2007

On my way to the White House

You know, alot of shitty shit went down this year, but at least I can say this: I'm glad I quit the Edwards campaign. I went up to NH today to volunteer, and while it was fun, and while I'm glad I did it (if only to fulfill the promise I made to my co-workers that I'd be back), I would have hated staying there. It's mind numbing work, tiring, dull, with little compensation and little moral reward until the very end. There's high expectations, and you work for months with no evidence of your labors until the very end. Even then, most of the time all your work ends up for naught.

Man that campaign fucked me over. When I got back I felt like I would never have a job as enjoyable as the Ned Lamont campaign, like that was the highlight of my life. I still believe that to a certain extent, but at least now I know that there are tolerable jobs out there. The campaign was Shayne's final straw, it put me behind in my savings, it drained me of cheer, of my political excitement, of two months of my life.

Hitting the pavement was initially exciting, but quickly became tiring and dull. Nobody was home, though those that were were quite friendly. I doubt I convinced anyone, though I did pass out a few policy booklets.

One lady in particular was hilariously bitchy. I ring her doorbell, and no answer. I know she's there, because I had seen a Hillary staffer put a flyer in her door which was now gone, and her car was in the driveway. I looked through the window, and I see her literally peeking around the refrigerator at me, almost frightened. When she realized I was looking at her, she quickly scurried behind the refrigerator. I sighed, put a flyer in her door, and marked her as "Refused". My car was parked in front of her house, and once I was inside, ready to head back, she quickly opened the door, picked up the flyer, and brought it inside. Three seconds later she opened the door and tossed it out. Just threw it on her lawn! Apparently her trash isn't good enough for John Edwards.

All the paid staff there is dead tired. Nobody could muster up the energy to converse, it was just phones phones phones. Kate told me, "I just keep telling myself: Nine more days. Just nine more days." If I had broken up with Shayne to stay on the campaign, I would be kicking myself right now. So thank god.

So there you go. A non-emo post about what I did today. Didn't think it could happen? Neither did I, but there it is.

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